Monday, February 28, 2011

Mississippi Burning

"Mississippi Burning" is a movie that very well depicts the scene of racism towards the blacks by the whites. It also displays the thinking of 'white supremacy', which was common amongst the people in South America at that time, around the 1980s. My feelings for the movie is neutral as I did not like some of the scenes, especially the disturbing ones. However, I did like the fact that I got to learn more about how the whites discriminated and marginalised the blacks, despite the only difference being their skin colours. Racism is a seriously weird business. Just come to think of it. Imagine you being just an ordinary Chinese man sitting in your room minding your own business. Suddenly, a gang of Japanese people come, pillage your house, and take you along with them. You are puzzled. However, you know your fate soon as you can see some of the Japanese holding rifles pointed at you. Would you like that? I mean, you're just minding your own business, not bothering them in any way. And they suddenly come and kill you just because of the fact that you are Chinese! How would you like that, seriously. Unless you're one of those who go 'lynching rocks!' everyday. :)


  1. I totally agree with all of your points. What is with racism? Just because the other party is of another race and skin colour you could lynch them up on trees and kill them whenever you wanted to. It is like a black ant trying to kill a red ant just because of their colour, how stupid can that sound?

  2. Haha, good point. If Singapore were a racist society, I really don't know if any of us would be alive this day, typing awesome stuff.
    (And my Malay roommate won't stand a chance against a few thousand Chinese... XD)
