This story is told through the eyes of a child named Cornelius, who is gifted with the ability of magic, to see random lights floating around. I will not go into details of his magical ability, since it would take too long to completely explain what his skills are good for. Anyway, he has always been puzzled by the presence of these patches of light hovering around in the air. Ever since he described his experience to people ignorant to magic (basically everyone around him), he decided to experiment for himself. He began to patch the pieces of light up, and finally managed to create something called a window, used to transport creatures from one universe to another. Unknowing to him, he travelled into the window to an alternate universe and came back seven days later, with a baby boy, whom he unknowingly took from the demonic universe. To keep a long and complicated story very very short, the baby boy (whom he adored very much) got taken away by Lord Loss (yes, him again), and went on a risky journey to recover the former. During the process of his mission, he discovered things about himself he would ever dream of, and finally resigns to the fact that he is part of the three people who would change the destiny of planet Earth, by protecting it from the juggernaut of demons.
This is a book you truly must read, if you are the kind of people who love fiction. Some things I like about this series of books is that the magic is not exaggerated. It is treated as an uncommon but not overpowering ability. Another factor is that the plot is extremely twisted and the upcoming situations are always very unpredictable. In this little review, I have excluded a huge amount of details which are important and close to the story line, since there is not enough time to talk about everything and definitely not enough space. Instead, the best way to really understand the plot of this book is to read it!
{Demon Thief}
-Darren Shan
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