Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Worker's Party Rally @ Kallang... (Blog post #5)

Yesterday, my family and I went to the Worker's Party's Rally to have a new experience, entirely different from the one at PAP's rally. Apparently, many more people are interested in what WP has to say rather than just listening to PAP droning on and on about their past achievements and the benefits of voting for them. When we reached Kallang Sports Stadium at 7 pm, we found that the whole stadium was already packed with people and with many more standing outside, trying to take a peek of what was going on in front. As for my family, we were forced to spread a groundsheet and sit on it for the entire duration, without a hint of what was going on in front. We were only able to hear the speakers share their thoughts and opinions and the benefits of voting for them. One distinct difference was that the people viewing the WP's rally cheered and supported WP without any prompt while the PAP supporters only cheered and whistled upon a shout from one of the PAP members. This just goes to show how unpopular PAP is right now.

In the past, PAP was in WP's position, and they had about the same number of supporters, according to my father. However, they had much better policies and insights for future Singapore, especially Mr Lee Kuan Yew, also heading the party back then. Now that WP is in PAP's position in the past, they will have to work harder to win the public's hearts.

According to my parents, Worker's Party has several potential candidates with high education standards to match some of PAP's. In fact, I think that they will win Aljunied GRC and perhaps Kallang too. However, MM Lee Kuan Yew mentioned that if the peopel of these towns voted for WP, he would wish them "good luck" and give them 5 years to ruminate and regret their decisions, which he is confident that they will. I feel that he should not have said this. By saying this, he is insulting the capabilities of the members of WP and also doubting their abilities of governing as well as the PAP themselves. Moreover, this just displays the fact that he has no sportsmanship.

Personally, I respect the PAP for governing Singapore well for the past 50 years, especially MM Lee Kuan Yew who practically devoted his whole life to politics to help improve the living of the people in Singapore as well as upgrading our living conditions.

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