Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Birthdays... (Term 3 Blog 5)

What does the word "birthday" signify in your heart. Is it an important day to you, when you indulge yourself in anything you want? Or is it a day of the year you dread, since it means that you are getting older? During our childhood times, I believe most of us look forward to birthdays, the day we get to be the "king", celebrate and enjoy. However, are birthdays as significant to us nowadays? Do we plead our parents to throw a huge party and invite all our friends? I doubt so. As we mature, we are more likely ignore such days, which in fact have no significance except remind us of the day which we were born on. How about you? How much do you value your birthdays?
There are both optimistic and pessimistic point of views on how one sees their birthdays. If you are an optimist, you would probably look forward to your birthday, since it is a milestone to tell you that you have been growing older and wiser all this while. However, if you are a pessimist, your thoughts of a birthday would just be reminding you that you are no longer young and are one year nearer to your death.
Personally, I love birthdays, not just because I get to celebrate it but I treat it as a milestone, to see how far I have gone and how much I have achieved since one year ago. I also use it as a start, by telling myself what I should be achieving next year, reflecting on what I have been doing and how I should improve. How about you? Are birthdays significant to you, or are they just boxes on the calendar which are completely redundant?

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