Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Chinese Common Test... (Term 3 Blog 7)

Ahh... It is finally the long-awaited end of all our tests. Just now in the afternoon, we all took our Chinese Common Test in class. Before the test paper was given out, we were all jittery and nervous about the test. Would it be hard? What would the questions be? All these questions were flooding my head. A few hours before the actual test itself, I was busily revising for the last time the structure of the compositions for the final time.
Only after we got the question paper did we realise that the test was actually extremely easy. I also realised that 曹老师 had prepared us well for the test, arming us with all that we needed to know for it.
After the test, I feel a sense of relief, as if a boulder just got removed from me. Not only because the test was easier than expected but also because the end of this test marks the end of the reign of this term. Are all of you busy celebrating now? Or are you guys busy preparing for next term?

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